The newlywed reality star has finally revealed when she plans to start a family with husband Kris Humphries.

During Kardahsian's interview with Ryan Seacreast's radio show, the "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" star has spilled that she's ready to cross over the "motherly" side of getting committed into a marriage.

The ex-party girl and tabloid superstar seems to be really changing her ways when it comes to her priorities. Kardashian stressed how she plans to work out a situation where everything will turn out as planned.

"I think we want to figure out where he's going to play an where we're going to live first," says Kardashian to Seacrest, saying that it all depends which NBA basketball team Humphries will play for and where they will be settling.

Kardashian also gave a specific timeframe when she wants to carry her first born.

"Give us a year," she says.

The reality star also shared the post-marital stress she experienced after her August marriage.

"We are six or seven weeks in ... his is six and a half," she said. "I feel good. It was kind of crazy to go right from our wedding straight to New York." says Kim in the same Seacrest interview. She also spoke about how understanding her new husband is about her hectic work lifestyle and commitments.

"It's been work non-stop, and I think [Kris] finally appreciates all the hard work we do. It's like, 'I'm running off here to do this' ... there's so much going on. He finally gets it."

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