They've only been married for a couple of weeks, but Kim Kardashian is already complaining about her husband's rowdy bathroom antics.

Even though the wedding was a fairytale, it seems that the "perfect couple" Kim Kardashian and new husband Kris Humphries also fight about normal couples fight. It might not be as worse than fidelity, but personal hygiene plays big role in Kardahian's appeal for men.

In a video posted by Us Magazine , a clip from 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians' featured newlyweds Kim and Nba star Kris Humphries arguing about their bathroom regimens in their communal wash room. After Humpries brushed teeth like a slob-robot man, Kim reacted annoyingly while wiping the splattered toothpaste that Humrpries left on the bathroom mirror.

Next, Humphries was seen hopping on their bed, claiming Kim's side while she says "That's my side but I'll give it to you". As if Kim's not annoyed enough, Kris' dogs started to hump on the table, with Kardashian mouting "No, they cannot sleep in our bed."

It looks like Kim has got a lot of complaining to do. The Kardashian wedding special will air on E! Channel on Oct. 9 and Oct. 10.

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