Hitting stores worldwide October 24 via Sony Music and RCA Records is Kelly Clarkson's fifth album - Stronger.

With a techno pop rock feel to the songs, Kelly Clarkson yet again delivers a great compilation for her dedicated fans. A long way from her "Thankful" album, Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger" holds true to the powerhouse vocals Clarkson is known for.

Just like her debut from American Idol with songs as straightforward and feisty as ever, Stronger with the lead single "Mr. Know It All" has been climbing up the charts and is currently on number 24. The single was written and produced by Brett James, Ester Dean and Brian Kennedy. An instant hit, "Mr. Know It All" is just one of the hit singles on Kelly Clarkson's Album Stronger that will get you hooked and humming to the beat.

How is Stronger different from all her other albums? "It's my best sounding album," said Kelly Clarkson in an interview by Andrea Mandrell in USA Today at New York shortly after the much awaited release of Stronger.

"A lot of people singing pop just love to compress the hell out of their vocals but unlike singers like me, Adele, Pink or even Christina Aguilera, we simply don't want to do that." said Clarkson in an interview.

What else did the multi-Grammy award winning singer have to share? "Really make sure you surround yourself with good people," says Clarkson when asked what she were to write to her past self. "I love music but I value people with good character and good motives."

So what was the inspiration behind naming the album Stronger? "That which does not kill us makes us stronger," said by Nietzsche inspired Kelly Clarkson to fill her album with songs of empowerment and strength. The album itself is the perfect representation of the singers life.

Indeed, Clarkson has gone through a lengthy musical revolution, stemming from the sappy ballads she's known for since her Idol days to the tongue-in-cheek anthems she sings now. Do you favor the ''Stronger" Kelly? Or are you still hung up on ''Thankful''? Give Stronger a try and you be the judge.