Justin Bieber has recently made the headlines all thanks to an "insensitive" comment he had made about Anne Frank during his visit at the museum. Facebook users dubbed the comment as a "self-serving faux pas" and certainly are a rare addition to Bieber's most glorious quotes ever. Check them all out here.

Canadian crooner, Justin Bieber made a mess of himself once more after his comment about Anne Frank following his museum visit. While some "Beliebers" are easy to forgive, the rest of the world has claimed it is nothing but an insensitive and rude comment by Bieber. What exactly did Bieber write down at the Anne Frank museum guest book?

"Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber," jotted down Bieber.

A lot of Facebook users have been enraged by the comment which is as follows.

"Glad he went, but the last sentence is VERY self-serving. He missed the lessons of Anne totally," said one Facebook user.

"I hope he revisits the museum again once he is older and hopefully wiser and truly understand the messages of peacefulness, humility and respect that are wound within those walls," wrote one woman.

However, the Anne Frank museum officials found it amusing and posted the following statement.

"We think it is very positive that he took the time and effort to visit our museum. He was very interested in the story of Anne Frank and stayed for over an hour. We hope that his visit will inspire his fans to learn more about her life and hopefully read the diary," said the post on the museum's official Facebook page.

This comment made by Bieber isn't the first to make heads shake. Check out the slideshow to read more of Justin Bieber's most hilarious quotes over the years.