Snowboarders prepare to compete in the Bikini & Board Shorts Downhill at Crystal Mountain, a ski resort near Enumclaw, Washington April 19, 2014. Skiers and snowboarders competed for a chance to win one of four season's passes.
Snowboarders prepare to compete in the Bikini & Board Shorts Downhill at Crystal Mountain, a ski resort near Enumclaw, Washington April 19, 2014. Skiers and snowboarders competed for a chance to win one of four season's passes. Reuters

Jennifer Hawkins, the former Miss Universe, has a bikini-ready body and spectacular legs widely envied by all. Recently, she has been linked with Bioglan Superfood Projects. Here's a look at her health tips.

Jennifer eats healthy most of the time but she too has her indulgences like everybody else. For her, sticking to a low-carbohydrate diet works, but that doesn't mean this diet will work for all. Also when she eats protein, she doesn't get hungry often.

For breakfast, she goes in for Special K, Weet-Bix or eggs on toast. Her lunch includes either a chicken or tuna salad or a sandwich with wholemeal bread. Her favourite meal is lean mince with broccoli and a nice sauce to go with it which she cooks by herself.

Especially before a shoot or parade, Jennifer pays more attention to the amount of carbohydrates she takes in. She feels that the biggest challenge while following a diet is socialising as it involves amazing food and it becomes hard to say no. Her friends too are very supportive and when she has to go in for a shoot the next day, she just has one cocktail and her friends are sweet enough to keep the bread basket away from her.

She likes maintaining a balance life. In addition to working out and staying healthy, she makes sure she keeps aside some time for her family and friends. She believes that this is good for the soul and she makes it a point of connecting with people.

When she feels she doesn't want to work out, she somehow motivates herself by just getting out of bed and get dressed and go. She feels the best thing to do is to talk yourself into doing things you don't feel like doing but are good for you. She feels least motivated during the winter season.

Given 15 minutes to include exercise as a part of her day, she prefers either going for an intense run of eleven kilometres per hour on the treadmill or a circuit which includes triceps, squats and situps. She does two sessions of Pilates a week and while going on a circuit she does 30 reps and four sets of each.

Her advice to a woman aiming to get healthy and fit is to imagine the goal and to imagine how one wants to be. She believes that positive thoughts are a key to a healthy and fit body.