Recent photos of living doll Valeriya Lukyanova showed that she lost more weight and that she has a smaller waistline.

Valeriya Lukyanova posted some photos of herself on her Facebook account lounging on the beach and pool where many people noticed that she has gone thinner. It seemed that Valeria Lukyanova lost more weight as part of her quest to look exactly like Barbie.

One commenter said that the internet celebrity looked anorexic. Some people feared that this may send wrong messages to young girls who are looking up to her.

It was reported before that Valeriya or Amatue has a waist measuring 50 centimetres.

Recent reports claimed that Valeriya will star in her life documentary entitled "Space Barbie". The documentary will delve in Valeriya's beliefs and psychic abilities. Valeria Lukyanova believes she is from another planet.

The Ukranian model and singer first gain popularity on the Internet early this year after photos of her has gone viral and people noticed that she looked like Mattel's Barbie. The celebrity also become controversial due to her thin waist and many wondered if went under the knife to achieve her looks. However, Valeria constantly denied that she underwent surgery or altered her photos through Photoshop.

Valeriya Lukyanova insisted that she used make-up and contact lenses to achieve her look. She also offers make-up tutorial in YouTube so her fans can learn how to achieve her look.

Human Barbie doll became famous because of her tiny waist contrasting to her gigantic breasts, platinum hair that complements her blue eyes.

See the slideshow for the recent photos of Valeriya Lukyanova showing off her smaller waistline.