Hugh Jackman was invited for a promotional appearance at "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" for his recent role in "X-Men: Days Of Future Past" movie. Jimmy Fallon engages Jackman in an interview and they played a game of "Cooler Scooter" race on The Tonight Show. The episode first aired on Wednesday, May 21. Fallon also talked about Jackman's nude scene and recent magazine cover photo.

Jackman was a very good sport, especially with a game that can bring anyone back to childhood. Fallon invited Jackman in a Cooler Scooter Race, involving two players to ride small motorized scooters with beer coolers attached. They had matching "beer helmets," where a straw is connected to two cans of beer while the host and the actor raced. In the video, Jackman seems to enjoy sipping on his beer.

Jackman leads the race ahead of Fallon in a Memorial Day-themed track inside the studio, and makes the most of his promotional appearance in the show. Viewers and the audience will see that the X-Men star enjoyed the game. Jackman even gives generous double high-fives to two men seated as obstacles along the hallways of the studio.

As Jackman has a huge lead ahead of Fallon at the start of the race, the actor eventually wins and reaches the finish lines back to the stage. Jackman spits out his beer in the air Triple-H style as he celebrates his win. Fallon didn't mind his loss and even partied afterwards as he and Jackman danced for the cameras for a pre Memorial Day parade.

CREDIT:The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon /YouTube

Jackman and Fallon also talked about the actor's nude scene on "X-Men: Days Of Future Past." "I don't know about America, but in Australia, if you are next to a really good looking girl, you're not getting out with boxer shorts on or briefs, or anything!" Jackman said. "So, yeah, I went commando and we just went for it," reported Mail Online.

Jackman also shared his thoughts about his recent Men's Health cover pose, and how it looked unnatural to him. He said in the interview video, "It's embarrassing. The photographer says straighten your arms. I'm like why? Because that's how I'll get the tricep, and I feel really stupid, and then that's the photo," pointing at his magazine cover. He added, "no one stances like that."

"'Come at me like you're going to get in a fight with me,' joked Fallon, replicating the pose," in a report from Time. Jackman was very entertaining that he acts out backing down from the likes of Fallon's threatening pose.

Fallon even compares his own previous Men's Health cover, with him looking like shaking hands with an invisible man. The host adds, "Yours says Hugh Jackman ripped. Mine says burn fat! C'mon!" Jackman quickly consoles the host by saying, "I bet yours sold more mate, yours sold more."

More of the fun interview can be viewed below.

CREDIT: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon/YouTube