"X-Men: Days of Future Past" star Hugh Jackman recently talked about his character Wolverine while promoting his latest film in an interview and revealed an interesting team up for the Marvel Comics' steel-clawed superhero. The 45-year-old Aussie actor shared that his dream superhero movie will have Wolverine joining "The Avengers" and the character will also have a fight scene with the Hulk.

"I would love to see him as part of the Avengers," Hugh Jackman revealed in the IGN interview about his character Wolverine. According to the NME report, Hugh Jackman admitted that it would be hard for him to say no if there will be an offer to join the Earth's mightiest heroes. Click HERE to watch the video.

Hugh Jackman explained that he is interested to see Wolverine in the cast of "The Avengers" because there is a "great dysfunction" within the team and Wolverine will "fit right into that." When asked which of the Avengers superheroes Wolverine will fight first, Hugh Jackman responded in the interview with certainty that his character would get in a fight with the Hulk at some point.

"Those two bad, rage-filled characters are going to square off at some point," the actor shared. Jackman further revealed that filming the fight scene between Wolverine and Hulk would be fun to do even though it will be hours of filming.

The "Real Steel" actor added that Wolverine will be on the worst end of that fight but the character will still make it because he can heal. When it comes to having banter, Hugh Jackman shared that he would want to see Wolverine standing in front of actor Robert Downey Jr., who portrays genius billionaire Tony Stark or Iron Man, as the two characters have an argument over something.

"X-Men: Days Of Future Past" hit the movie theaters in Melbourne, Australia last Friday, May 16. Brian Singer, who wrote and produced the "X-Men: First Class film, directed the latest superhero film that stars Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy, Halle Berry, Michael Fassbender, Nicholas Hoult, Peter, Dinklage, Shawn Ashmore, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Anna Paquin and Ellen Page.

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