The details of the upcoming third film of Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight Rises" went around the internet.

In a forum about the movie, a certain Luke Ford posted some of the juicy details about the film. One part of his description is about the new antagonist Bane that will be played by Tom Hardy. According to this Luke Ford, Bane is detained in a prison in India and a group of ninja came to attack the prison and fight the guards.

The ninjas took Bane and experimented on him and transform Bane into an invincible man that is resistant to pain. Luke Ford said that he is unsure if this is the intro or the climax of the film. He said that there is also a rumor about Batman running from 50 police officers.

Luke Ford also described Anne Hathaway who will play Catwoman in the new film. She will play a call girl at night after leaving her job as a bank employee. She robbed the bank that she worked for and she stole the money of mobs that make the police forces and the mobsters running after her.

She also became a vigilante after she was beaten up by her exboyfriend. Catwoman learned the real identity of Batman as Bruce Wayne, so she blackmails him. There will be a point that Bane and Catwoman will be working together against Batman; but there will also be a time that Catwoman will work with Batman against Bane.

Wondering where is Joseph Gordon-Levitt? He will be Batman's third crutch and will fight alongside Batman against the true villains in the movie.

Many people are skeptical with how the new movie will present the villains. There is nothing to worry about since Bane will be getting the famous Nolan's treatment that will make Bane dark, crazy and evil villain. This film will definitely show how prolific Christopher Nolan is as a director.

The prologue is actually six minutes long. The prologue will be attached to the IMAX prints of "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol". The attachment may be beneficial to TDKR since "Mission: Impossible" is the biggest release for the holiday season.

This is no longer new. In 2007, Warner Bros. also attached TDK in Will Smith's "I Am Legend." Watch out for "The Dark Knight Rises" in 2012.