A woman reads a book at a Barnes & Noble bookstore in Pasadena, California November 26, 2013. Barnes & Noble Inc, the largest U.S. bookstore chain, on Tuesday reported a higher than expected quarterly profit as it cut store workers' hours scaled back its money losing Nook business, helping it offset sharp sales declines. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni

Christmas is the perfect time to give gifts. Why not give something that will last a long time and will impact someone's life? Yes, books are great choice for gifting. The holidays can actually be a great time to start introducing reading to the young ones and hopefully, they will love it and yearn to read more books after the gifts you gave them. Without further ado, here is the Holiday Gift Guide 2013 featuring 5 Books for Young Kids.

5 Books for Young Kids:

1. Fred and Ted Like to Fly by Peter Eastman

This book is about two dogs named Fred and Ted who likes to fly planes. They end up on an island with a gorgeous beach. (Check it out by clicking HERE).

2. Spot's First Words by Eric Hill (Illustrator)

It's a fun, touch-and-feel book that teaches kids new words. (Check it out by clicking HERE).

3. The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman

This book is about Lucy. She hears weird noises in the house and she believes that there are wolves actually living in the walls! (Check it out by clicking HERE).

4. Giggle, Giggle, Quack by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin (Illustrator)

It's about Farmer Brown's farm and his animals, including a precocious duck. One day, Farmer Brown decides to leave his brother Bob in charge of the farm. The animals in the farm find ways on how to have fun while Farmer Brown is gone. (Check it out by clicking HERE).

5. Eloise's Guide to Life by Hilary Knight (Illustrator)

This book is about six-year-old Eloise who lives in the Plaza Hotel. She gives kids advice about behavior, clothes and travel. (Check it out by clicking HERE).

This Holiday Gift Guide 2013 featuring 5 Books for Young Kids are just some suggestions on what to give kids this Christmas. You can also check out bookstores for the latest children's books or, if you want, you can go classic and look for some books that were published years ago. Whatever book you choose to give young kids, make sure it's age appropriate so that they will have fun while reading and learning and not get discouraged if they don't understand the words yet. Also, it would be nice if you can read the books with them, or if you are a parent, you can also read the book aloud to them before bed time.


Holiday 2013 Gift Guide: The Top 5 Toys for Boys in 2013 [PHOTOS] (Click HERE)

Holiday 2013 Gift Guide: The Top 5 Toys for Girls in 2013 [PHOTOS] (Click HERE)

Goodreads Choice Awards Best Books of 2013 Winners (Click HERE)