Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint have regularly been on the news since the "Harry Potter" era began. Of course, other stars from the renowned wizardly franchise have been in the news as well. The latest of which involves Tom Felton best known as Slytherin's Draco Malfoy in his latest TNT series, "Murder in the First."

If Daniel and Emma are working hard on their big screen debut films, Rupert and Tom have each been busy with their television series. This would be a first for Tom after starring in numerous films following the success of "Harry Potter."

The TNT series, "Murder in the First" is set to debut Monday night. Set in San Francisco, the series is all about the murder investigation done by two detectives played by Taye Diggs and Kathleen Robertson. Their investigation leads to tech prodigy Tom Felton who has a strong connection to the murder of the victims.

Given this was Tom's first ever US television series, what exactly made him interested in the role of Erich Blunt? In an interview with IGN, Tom talks all about his character and the reasons for saying yes to the series.

"Honestly, the character. The characters had a lot of edgy, dynamic personalities. It's hard, because you're signing up for 10 episodes, and you only get one. Upon reading the first one and saying, "Who's doing it?" and seeing the wonderful names -- not only acting in it but also directing it -- I was like, "This sounds like a no-brainer. Let me just read the next nine episodes, and we'll put our thumbs up." I was told then, "No, no, no. They haven't been written yet!" So I was like, "Well, what's going to happen? How am I supposed to base my decision not knowing?" So I kind of had to be educated on how TV works in the states. But it's been such a pleasant experience. I feel like I really landed on my feet with Steven and Eric, because they've been very open with communicating with me about what sort of character it is," shared Felton.

This isn't the first time Felton has played the part of an antagonist. Fans may recall his character in "Harry Potter," Draco Malfoy, was quite the bad seed. Felton also played the part of the bad monkey keeper in "Rise of the Planets of the Apes."

Catch Tom Felton as Erich Blunt on "Murder in the First" Monday night at 10 pm.