"GTA Online" is shaping up to become a new SimCity due to the many server issues and problems. But Rockstar Games has just announced that it is working on a title update for both the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions. And the developers have put Oct. 4 as the date for the title update to be available for download.

For now, Rockstar has identified a number of server issues and general problems that they are looking into. Some of these issues include unavailability of Rockstar cloud servers, failure to host "GTA Online" sessions, timed out for matchmaking, failure to load on jobs, lagging matchmaking load screens and even mixed up offline (disc-based) and online content on the Jobs list.

The latest title update is supposed to fix most of these problems, but Rockstar is keeping a close watch for any possible developments.

Keep posted on Rockstar Games' announcements for any new developments with the Title Update.

Fans Don't Like "GTA Online's" Launch

As can be expected of most online launches, hitches and issues are inevitable. Rockstar even forewarned those gamers of possible server issues as a disclaimer. But maybe the extent of the troubles is now getting to fans, who have been sounding off their thoughts in Rockstar's support news wire.

Some are even noting discrimination among gamers, with potential priority over those in some crews. "I just checked the leaderboards, so how come the Payne Killer Crew has so many RPoints already if everything's sh*t? Dedicated servers? And how come every name on that list is either a professional gaming crew, YouTube crew, IGN crew, etc.? People pay hard earned money for this game. And don't get it twisted, we all paid 60 bucks to play online, it wasn't free," said IsaiahProfit.

There are some who have been expecting Rockstar to have had major planning done before this kind of GTA Online launch was made.

"They can anticipate how many copies they sell, it's called market research and pre-order. They must have seen in their market research and in their pre-orders that the game would sell an enormous amount of copies. Why they didn't do anything about it I wouldn't know, but they could have taken action," said white_guy_gg.

In the same train of thought, tomyhil02 said, "It's not like online gaming is brand new. By now, companies should know what the hell to do and not let all their fans down. All this awesome technology in the world but they can't achieve a simple online launch?"

In Rockstar's defense, some fans have taken it upon themselves to calm some of the responses to GTA Online down. "This isn't even the worst. You didn't witness SimCity 5 launch. It took 2 weeks from EA to get it working even complete 2h. This is not [a] surprise that server is overloaded," said locane_.

Perhaps best put by Smally, "What everyone fails to understand is Rockstar have never dealt with or maintained a multiplayer game on such a scale. They stated there would be issues, and getting angry is not going to solve it. All we can do is thank them for keeping us updated and trying to rectify the issues."