Grand Theft Auto 5 is gearing up to become a worthy role-playing game that was lacking in the last installment. This time around, there's more to explore in the world of GTA 5, and the recently released previews are starting the show us just that.

First we go to the skills, what your characters can do. Game Informer reports that some of the skills present in the game include strength, shooting, driving, stealth, flying, and lung capacity, but more can still be added as the game development progresses.

There is also a reported change in upgrading methods, so instead of getting points for each ability, you will improve your skills in the same way real life lets you--by utilizing it as much as you can. So the more frequent you drive a car, the better, faster, and more furious you become as a driver.

This doesn't mean you can't play around with your characters looks, as GTA 5 also allows you to customize the three leads' looks with haircuts, tattoos, and clothes.

Personalization also comes for your cars, where you can tweak the looks and performance the same way you would tinker with a real car, with the possibilities of overdoing it also very much at play.

Weapon customization is also a plus, and those who want to get more ammo for your weapons can sign up for the Ammu-nation in GTA 5 for customer rewards program, reports Game Informer.

Lastly, money doesn't stop with just the big heists, but also with investment. Now you can have Michael, Trevor, and Franklin invest in real estate and businesses to get great perks such as getting great houses and choppers. It's like putting the stamp mark of real life onto GTA 5.

New characters and activities introduced

You've gotten a glimpse of the life of Michael, Franklin, and Trevor in the latest trailers released for GTA 5. Now more characters via released art reveal some more characters you can expect to encounter in the game.

According to VG 24/7, aside from the trio, there's Jimmy and Tracey, a seemingly twitchy Ron, and a car-stealing Lamar.

With game previews now becoming available, news on battle improvements and character capabilities also surface.

Veering away from the thugs and mobs, some of the abilities and activities that you can do, which almost feels like GTA 5 will give you a feel of a role-playing game in the middle of play.

GameSpot enumerates some the things that you can do in GTA 5, which include riding on buggies, cycling down a mountain, doing underwater exploration, helping someone in need, being a bad-ass to those in need, and even indulging in yoga.

Catch more preview details as they come, or wait for the official release of the GTA 5 current-gen version on September 17.