Google Taps Longtime Executive Wojcicki to Head YouTube
Google Taps Longtime Executive Wojcicki to Head YouTube Reuters

Google has banned pornographic and erotic content on Google Play store. This was part of the corporation's amendments on its working developer's program policies.

The multinational American corporation decided not to allow all explicit and erotic content on the android market in Google Play store as the platform is readily available and accessed by every android user of any age. Although the android market is not relatively populated by pornographic content and erotic apps, some apps with pictures of most nude girls and men and apps for pornographic Web sites are primarily the target of the amendments. This includes apps that enable downloading of videos and pictures of a sexy woman.

On the About page of Google Play Developer Program Policies under Content, a policy states:

"Sexually Explicit Material: Apps that contain or promote pornography are prohibited; this includes sexually explicit or erotic content, icons, titles, or descriptions. Google has a zero-tolerance policy against child sexual abuse imagery. If we become aware of content with child sexual abuse imagery, we will report it to the appropriate authorities and delete the Google Accounts of those involved with the distribution."

Google move to ban pornographic and "sexually explicit" content is also part of the corporation's vision to keep the app store safe and beneficial to all users. It is also a big move of the company to support the cause against child pornography.

With the implementation of the policy, many people will surely be doing two thumbs up while some may be disappointed for some reasons.

Other updates made by Google on its policy for the Play Store are on ad policy, spam and placement and app promotion. The android market is also particular about intellectual property, gambling, dangerous products, malware and violence and bullying.

The Google Play Store was made available on Oct. 28, 2008 after its announcement in late August that year. From there, the android app market has made big leaps to provide users the best service available based on the program policies. Google aims to maintain the compliance of these policies making amendments and updates from time to time to keep it beneficial to every user.