Leaked data about Steam's "Killing Floor 2" have sparked speculations among many gamers. Steam Web site's stats page made an unexpected glitch revealing "Killing Floor 2" and other games that could actually be already in the works.

Killing Floor is a cooperative first-person shooter video game made by Tripwire Interactive. This was officially released May 14, 2009. The game revolved around several locations in England where players need to team-up strategically, killing waves upon waves of experimental hostile specimens.

Game players are not limited to a single classic type of "soldier" to play. There are six "perks" or character classes to choose from, which possess unique advantages over the overwhelming horde of zombies.

To support the speculation of a second instalment for the game, players can hold on to Steam's error of keeping their games database secret. The glitch that occurred cannot be dismissed so easily. Killing Floor 2 and the many games listed in the error-laced stats page are all possible because of the popularity and following of its audience.

Should Killing Floor 2 come to fruition, gamers might expect for it to be officially announced a year or more later. This is because the present Killing Floor franchise is still being widely played. Also, updates in the game are continuous from time to time.

Compared to other more popular first-person shooting games in circulation, Killing Floor may need more time to acquire a bigger following. As gamers would speculate, this could be one many causes the making of a second instalment is delayed.

According to long-time players, due to Killing Floor's repetitive plot and game play, they suggested it's about time the second instalment come around. If its game developers would be proactive of the audience's feedback about the "leak" incident, it may convince them to eventually create, or better yet finish the rumored Killing Floor 2 sequel.