It's something to be appreciated when a developer takes the time to make a game accessible to even larger audiences. This seems to be the aim of Gearbox Software for its "Borderlands 2."

Recently, it announced that there will be a new mode for "Borderlands 2," titled the colorblind mode. As the name suggests, this is targeted for those who are suffering from colour blindness, which may affect the way that they play the game.

"The biggest problem for colorblind gamers is when games use colors (and nothing else) to indicate a type of item, or the importance of an item, in the game," said Jeffrey Broome, a programmer on "Borderlands 2," on the official Gearbox Software Web site.

"Borderlands 2 has similar issues with the color that is used to indicate the rarity of an item on the 'loot beam' that appears in the world above the item and on the color of the item card used to display the stats of that item," he added.

*A new trailer has been released for "Infamous: Second Son," and it makes the game setting look so much like the real Seattle: Check it out here.

The upcoming mode will be easy to use, as Gearbox Software has assured that players can either select from the different colour vision deficiencies or turn off the colour blind mode altogether.

'Far Cry' to Come from Ubisoft Shanghai?

"Far Cry 4" may already be in the drawing boards, if a recent post from a Ubisoft Shanghai employee's LinkedIn is anything to go by.

Spotted by Joystiq, it seem that the Studio Design Manager for Ubisoft Shanghai has been part of the supposed "next Far Cry" project since September 2013. As usual, there has been no official confirmations from the developer itself, but there have been a number of breadcrumbs left by different Ubisoft individuals.

*Do these screenshots show off the "Minecraft" TU 14 and Xbox One version of the game? See more details here.

There was a slip-up from composer Cliff Martinez about working on "Far Cry 4," as well as Tony Key, Ubisoft's senior vice president for marketing and sales, saying that they will make another "Far Cry" game.

'Call of Duty: Ghosts' Gets New Mode

Infinity Ward, the developer in charge of the "Call of Duty: Ghosts" franchise, has reportedly confirmed that there will be a new title update coming out. The Heavy Duty mode that players are now enjoying will soon be replaced by Gun Game, Hunted Free-For-All and Clan v Clan play for eSport rule sets, according to VG 24/7.

Aside from this, there's a long list of patches and hotfixes for the game.

*There's a new thing with "Call of Duty: Ghosts" right now, and it's called being "CODnapped." Read the full story here.

Gamers have Killstreak count for Search and Destroy, Search and Rescue, and Blitz; balance adjustments for aliens in Extinction mode; and a shorter timer for Clan v Clan playlist. Gamers can also expect new health options for Private Match, new MP lobby menu music, addition of social feed and customisation capabilities for soldier creation for Extinction Mode.

General fixes for stability, anti-cheat, balance for weapons and perks, eSports and Extinction Mode have been added. The link above features a complete list of fixes including the ones that are Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360 and PC specific.