Responding to fans' none-too-warm welcome about the online pass access for some of the single-player features of Assassin's Creed 4, Ubisoft has reportedly scrapped the idea.

Originally available via the UPlay Passport, the companion app, Edward's Fleet, online multiplayer, and other bonus content can be accessed without the need for the pass, reports VG 24/7.

The UPlay Passport was supposed to be activated via a code that comes with new copies of Assassin's Creed 4, and you need this to unlock some of the features mentioned above.

And as though that's not enough, Ubisoft is also following in EA's steps, as it announced that future Ubisoft games will no longer feature the UPlay Passport to restrict some of the other game features.

South Park: The Stick of Truth delayed... again

Some fans may have lost count of how many times this game has been delayed, but the December release date brought hope that it can be played while on Christmas Break.

Sadly, this won't be the case once again as Ubisoft announced that South Park: The Stick of Truth will be delayed again.

"Within three weeks after acquiring the game, we sadly realised we had to turn this thing upside down if we hoped to deliver the experience everybody wanted," said Laurent Detoc, president of Ubisoft North America, said in Ubisoft's official blog.

Everyone else on board agreed with the decision, and felt that, to get the quality and caliber of the game right, a few more months is still needed. To quell a bit of that disappointment, Ubisoft has released a new 7-minute sneak peek to get you going until 2014, and you can watch it here.

At least this time, the developers have a definite release date of March 4, 2014. Hopefully, it won't have to announce another delay next year.

Call of Duty: Ghosts countdown to launch

If the perk system, the confirmed 1080p resolution for the PS4, and new maps have won you over, you have probably preordered the game to start going trigger-happy early this week.

PlayStation Blog has announced that even though Call of Duty: Ghosts will be made available on November , preloading the game on the PlayStation Store is possible as early as November 3 from 3:00pm PT onwards.

Of course you can start playing the game at 12:01am PST on November 5, but still that's a headstart to preload as early as possible. The report also adds that this will be possible for the standard and Digital Hardened Edition, so you'll surely be at the start of the race line whatever copy you have.

Plus there's a Double XP event from November 8 to 11, which will allow you to earn twice as much XP for multiplayer, so best to start playing the game early to get in the groove.

As usual, those who are getting a copy of Call of Duty: Ghosts for the PS3 but also want to play it for the PS4--after all, that week-long difference is everything--can still get a discounted change upgrade. For only $9.99, you can upgrade the PS3 to the PS4 version.