Hunger Games
The first film in the "Hunger Games" franchise, which is based on the book series of Suzanne Collins, was released in 2012. Facebook/Hunger Games

The first movie chapter of the “Hunger Games” was released in 2012, and while it is arguably one of the more popular dystopian-themed franchises, the morality of its subject matter was highly debated. A new reality show is set to follow in its footsteps as contestants are virtually allowed to do as they wish in order to survive the Siberian wilderness.

“Game2: Winter,” as described by The Siberian Times, will leave 30 contestants in the wilderness on an island in the Ob River in Russia. The 15 men and 15 women will chase a 100 million Rubles (AU$2.245 million) prize for nine months. Filming will begin in July and will span through the winter, where temperatures are expected to drop as low as minus 50C.

Organizer Yevgeny Pyatkovsky, a Novosibirsk millionaire, told the publication that they would not intervene with the filming despite potential violence, murder and rape. “We won’t [distrupt],” he said. “I am sure there will be fights and more. We are not scared of [any] negative reaction if that happens either.”

But while the producers and camera men will not step in to stop the contestants, all the participants have been warned that their actions will be subject to the Russian Criminal Code. Once the show stops filming, police authorities and any other law enforcement agencies will take the necessary steps to condemn them for their crimes.

Likewise, the contestants will be signing a waiver to release the show and its producers from about any liability that will take place during the filming of “Game2: Winter.” Pyatkovsky shared that the participants are free to form a couple or union during the show, but that not even the risk of pregnancy will stop the cameras from rolling. “We will show the baby after the project is over,” he said.

Other than each other and the chilling weather, the contestants will also have to battle it out against the wild animals. Bears are expected to be in abundance because of their recent migration from the north of the country. The participants will only be provided a knife as a weapon and will be given just one change of winter clothing. Evidently, the conditions will be far more severe most other reality shows.

In case of emergencies, there will be a ground team on duty as well as two helicopters flying above the area. But Pyatkovsky admitted that because of the massive nine square kilometer area, the emergency team might not always make it in time to save the contestants. Hundreds have apparently applied, and the participants will be finalized via online voting. The “Game2: Winter” hopefuls are listed here.

"Game2: Winter" will begin filming in July. The show will live stream for 24 hours online.


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