'Game of Thrones'
A scene from "Game of Thrones" Season 6. Facebook/ GameofThrones

The fans will get to see some exciting, never before seen locations in “Game of Thrones” Season 7, according to new reports. Meanwhile, the production crew is preparing for one of the biggest battle sequences on the show, which will be filmed soon.

[Spoiler alert]

After HBO confirmed that some filming will be taking place in Iceland there were no other announcements about the exact locations. Now, a report by Watchers on the Wall reveals that the production crew could be busy working near Stangarvegur. Although there is no official confirmation, the construction site at this location suggests that it is one of the locations for the popular TV series.

The production crew has built a fake ice valley. The report speculates this to be a location north of the Wall and may be seen as a path for a perilous journey, and could also be a place where a major fight takes place. With the focus on the White Walkers in “Game of Thrones” Season 7, this could be a great new location to show the dreaded creatures and their army.

Two other new locations that will be seen in the next season are Highgarden, which is the kingdom of the Tyrells, and Casterly Rock, which is controlled by the Lannisters, Watchers on the Wall reports.

Meanwhile, the production scene is preparing to film a major battle sequence soon. The scene involves 100 horses and 500 extras. This is said to be the largest action scene on the show this time around.

James Faulkner (Randyll Tarly) will also be back in “Game of Thrones” Season 7. The actor is currently in Spain and will be filming his scenes soon. He posted a picture with a horse online, teasing the possibility of filming outdoors and may also be involved in an action sequence.

Credit: Twitter/ James Faulkner