The titles of episodes 5 to 7 of “Game of Thrones” Season 5 have been leaked online. The episode titles and the official synopsis gives the fans hints about what each episode will focus on. [Warning: Spoilers Alert!]

HBO is said to have released the official synopsis of the first three episodes of “Game of Thrones” Season 5. The titles of episodes 5 to 7 have been leaked by a “trusted source” to GeeklyInc. The titles, according to the report, are: Episode 5 – Kill the Boy, Episode 6 - Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken and Episode 7 – The Gift.

According to a report by WinterIsComing, HBO has released the official synopsis of the first three episodes. The premier episode of “Game of Thrones” Season 5 is expected to focus on how Cersei and Jaime cope with the death of their father. Meanwhile, Varys will reveal a “conspiracy” to Tyrion, Daenerys will face a new “threat” to her rule and Jon Snow is “caught between two kings.”

Episode 2 may focus mostly on Arya Stark, as the title “The House of Black and White” is the name of the temple of the Many-Faced God that Arya will join, according to the books. The episode is also said to feature “trouble on the road” for Brienne and Pod, and Cersei will fear for her daughter in Dorne as Ellaria Sand seeks vengeance.

This will also be the episode where Stannis will “tempt” Jon. An advisor of Daenerys will also tempt her. According to the books on which “Game of Thrones” TV series is based, this may be a reference to the offer Stannis makes to Jon about recognising him as the rightful heir of Winterfell, if he swore allegiance. The episode may also feature an advisor making a marriage proposal to Daenerys for the sake of peace in the kingdom.

Episode 4 of “Game of Thrones” Season 5 will focus on the character High Sparrow played by Jonathan Pryce. The title of episode 6 is the motto of the Sand Snakes. Fans of the franchise will get to see the daughters of Oberyn Martell for the first time in this season.

“Game of Thrones” Season 5 episode 7 title, “The Gift,” may refer to Arya Stark’s first assassination mission alluded to as a “gift” in the books. The character will train to become a master assasin in her new home.

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Source: YouTube/GameofThrones