Game of Thrones 3 "Chaos" videos are drawing millions of views on YouTube. Fans are excited to see what happens next in the epic HBO series. Those who have read "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R. R. Martin can hardly wait to see the most recent work of TV show runners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. You remember how Season 2 ended: it looked and felt like a "Walking Dead" crossover. Now here's a quick look back into the past seasons' favorite characters.

Game of Thrones 3: Episode 1, "Valar Dohaeris"

Game of Thrones 3 premiere episode is called "Valar Dohaeris" (all men must serve). It links back to the Season 2 finale, "Valar Morghulis" (all men must serve). Both titles are in fictional Braavos language. The English translations were based on the novels. From dying to serving, fans can expect more eventful journeys - in the continents of Westeros and Essos and in the hearts of the characters involved.

Game of Thrones Look Back: 3 of Top Favorite Characters

Game of Thrones ensembles the largest cast in television. Fan favorites vary greatly. There are major characters they absolutely love (The Imp) and those they absolutely love to hate (King Joffrey). We've picked only two characters for this feature, hoping to refresh the memory of those who need it. At the same time, those who haven't seen a single episode can have even a slight idea of what they've been missing.

Tyrion Lannister. Tyrion is fondly called "the imp" for his size and his self-deprecating remarks. But he's no small character. If it weren't for his leadership, the Lannisters would have not survived the pivotal Battle of Blackwater. But instead of thanks, Tyrion is demoted without honor as orchestrated by his own family. His nephew, King Joffrey, is too small a person (or a monster) to recognize his uncle's heroic service. Fans are eager to see how Tyrion would rise from this unfair ordeal. With his sharp intellect, this man never stays defeated.

Daenerys Targaryen. Daenerys is perhaps the most powerful woman in the series. She's the most dynamic, too. From an innocent teen whose marriage was arranged by her brother, she emerges with baby dragons in the first season finale. And now she and her little dragons set on a journey to play the Game of Thrones. If you have just started watching GOT DVDs, wait 'til Daenerys says, "The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands!" It's one of the most dramatically poetic character transformations you'll ever see on TV.

VIDEO: Game of Thrones 3, "Chaos" Preview


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