Happy Easter! Oh, wait, it's April Fool's Day, too. Perhaps it's time for some funny tricks on your children's annual Easter Egg Hunt? Whatever you do, keep it light and keep your "targets" out of harm's way. If you're looking for some funny memes to post to your social media page, start the slideshow and pick your favorite.

First, some general tips for April Fool's pranksters: Stick to people who know you and your funny little tricks. Keep health risks in check -- you can't be too cautious when it comes to going too far for a little funny shock. And if you're going 'Bazinga' the Sheldon Cooper way, choose targets who will get it for sure.

Here are some age-old April Fools prank ideas. See if you can add your own little twist to it.

1. Salt for sugar. You know the drill - serve friends with coffee or tea. Only this time, you put salt instead of sugar on the tray. Just hope no body system will react harshly against some surprise extra salt.

2. Save the date. Shock your friends with a "Save the Date" announcement. Things like this can easily get instant reactions on Twitter and Facebook. Expect the backlash, though. You could be perceived as dropping a hint.

3. Farewell tweet. Here's another shocking announcement: Bye, name of city. It's time to move on. You can also do a farewell job tweet, but you could lose your job for real. (So, careful!)

4. Multiple alarm clocks. Wake up your kids (or your parents?) with a dozen alarm clocks for a change.

5. Photobomb. Post photobombed moments of your friends and loved ones. Spread the laughter.

For many Christians in the world, Easter is a bigger day than Christmas. Be very funny, but keep the spirit of the holiday for the people you care about.

'Start' the slideshow for funny memes and simple virtual tickles. There's more from where these crazy ideas came from. Check out Funny Pictures on Facebook.


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