The search for an everlasting youthfulness may be found in the mice's blood and not from humans yet.

Recently, new discoveries were made in the blood of younger mice to dramatically rejuvenate its older counterparts' brains and muscles. Scientists who conducted the studies said the discovery may become applicable to humans soon.

The "wonder" substance found in the blood of young mice is a protein called "GDF11," which may also be found in human blood. As reported, the future use of this substance is highly possible. It will only be a matter of time before scientists perfect the discovery for its medicinal and other purposes. GDF11 being abundant in human blood diminishes greatly through aging.

One of the Stanford scientists for the discovery named the substance. "Stanford's Wyss-Coray believes strongly enough in the therapeutic possibilities of young blood that he co-founded a company, Alkahest, to test its effect in humans.

"Alkahest" is the name medieval alchemists gave to a hypothetical substance that would act as an "immortal liquor," wrote Sharon Begley in a report for Reuters.

There were three phases of the study. The first two studies focused more on the effects of the young mice's blood to the old ones. The discovery worked like a miracle and was absolutely ground-breaking.

"Young blood" effects reversed aged-related degeneration in the brain and apparently increased learning and memory capabilities.

During the tests, scientists found striking virtual differences in the treated aged mice. Their brains' molecular structures had been added more neurons, resulting to better brain cells communication. The brain neurons also gained stronger connections which improved learning and memory.

The discovered effects didn't end with brain improvements. The third study found the blood of young mice improved the aged mice's abilities for physical exercise. The treated aged mice showed significant increase in strength and more cardiovascular endurance.

Researchers of the study said a clinical trial is set to begin in the next three to five years.