Miley Cyrus is known for a lot of things especially for her jaw-dropping acts. In celebration of "Flashback Friday," here are few statements worth noting that came from none other than Miley's mouth. From dissing drugs, partying and objectifying women in today's scene, here's what Miley said in the past compared to what she has done now.

Leave it to Yahoo to expose Miley's hypocrisy. Over the years, Miley Cyrus has been saying one thing then doing the complete opposite. Back during Miley's Disney days, Billy Ray Cyrus' daughter "hated" when women would strip off for the sake of media exposure. Looking at Miley now, she's gone naked for countless times and had even quoted about "sex" being a major point in the media.

"Sex does sell, but you have to find a way that's not just showing your tits. I don't want to be a glorified model. They just walk on stage and it's all about their clothes, or lack of clothes," stated Cyrus in an interview back in April 19, 2013.

Aside from contradicting herself when it comes to nudity, Miley also contradicted herself when it came to drugs. In 2010, Miley claimed she would "never" touch drugs stating it was for "idiots." Yet, come 2013, Miley has been seen smoking pot and had even lit a joint during the MTV EMA's.

"I think weed is the best drug on earth. One time I smoked a joint with peyote in it, and I saw a wolf howling at the moon," stated Cyrus.

For relationships, back in January of this year Miley claimed Liam would be her priority. However, Miley choked on her words after having stated in June that her album and career would be of priority over family and relationships.

"I want my record to be the biggest record in the world, and I've given everything to get here, even down to friends and family and relationships, I've just put this music first," said Miley.

One other thing, who could forget Miley claiming not to know who Harry Styles of One Direction is? Miley claimed she didn't recall who the boys were but "Directioners" have proof she knew exactly who they were given Noah Cyrus, her younger sister, was a big fan. In fact, Miley had tweeted a photo of herself hugging a cardboard cut-out of Harry Styles.

Miley Cyrus sure loves to say one thing but end up contradicting herself.