"Flappy Bird" is undoubtedly popular these days. For those who have already played this game, chances are, it can be insanely frustrating.

With the difficulty level of "Flappy Bird," it appears that making it to the global high level score board is just a dream. But lo and behold! Here are "Flappy Bird" cheats, tips and tricks that can get any player unlimited high scores.

Disclaimer: IBT Media is not responsible for any damages incurred during the process. Proceed at your own risk.

Flappy Bird Tips and Tricks

1 - Take breaks. For players who are dying 10 times in a row, it might be time to take a break. Although it seems tempting to continue until that next gate players are aiming for has finally been passed, frustration level at this point might just get them nowhere. Put the game down and take a break. "Flappy Bird" will wait for a player's return.

2 - Do not pound on the screen. One important factor in "Flappy Bird" is to tap lightly and gently with the fingers. Be gentle yet agile when tapping and do not mash the screen.

3 - Flow. "Flappy Bird" is a test of endurance. It tests how long players can maintain their concentration. So, if players feel like they are starting to lose their attention and focus, take a break.

4 - Bigger is better. "Flappy Bird" gets easier to play on tablets relative to smartphones with smaller screens. It would be best for players who have a tablet to use it and see the difference.

'Flappy Bird' Cheats: How to Get Unlimited High Score [Root Required] from YouTube User, TECHxINFINITE

1 - Make sure that the device is rooted.

2 - Uninstall the "Flappy Bird" app and re-install a clean copy. Then, play the game once and get a high score. Any amount of high score will suffice, as this hack only requires at least 1 to work.

3 - Download the ES File Explorer File Manager from the Google Play Store.

4 - Open ES File Explorer File Manager >Tools Menu > Root Explorer.

5 - Go to root file directory under/device > "Data" folder > Search for another "Data" folder > Open.

6 - Search the folder for "Flappy Bird" file > Open "Flappy Bird" file > Open shared_prefs > Open FlappyBird.xml > Select ES Note Editor > Edit > Change the score value to the desired high score.