Everyone aims to save money and do everything in their power to achieve that goal, but it is really difficult to struggle between the affordability of luxuries in life and paying for the lifestyle. Smartphones are now a part of today's lifestyle, and purchasing one can really slash a part of your budget, so why not use it to help you save some bucks to stash?

Mirolta.com tracked down five apps from a wide range of applications from Apple iTunes and Google Play Store ready for download to help out how to save money and prepare users for the next holiday or the next grocery budget.

1. Vouchercloud: It is an alternative to cutting coupons out of product boxes and when looking for an item by using this mobile application to find the best deals on the items you want. The app has categories which filter the cheapest deals available. One example of this feature is when you're looking for a specific restaurant and no deal is available for it, search the restaurant category and find similar establishments which offers a deal you desire.

2. MySupermarket Mobile: This app allows the user to compare prices of products in any of the associated supermarkets listed. Either you search on the app to find where would be the cheapest item available or scan the item itself where cheaper prices are offered elsewhere. The app focuses on supermarkets and provides information with the most savings. This only available from the Apple iTunes.

3. Onavo: Shopping online is one of the trending activities to purchase items you want, and Onava can help you save up to 80 per cent data usage fees. Onavo servers reduce data requirements by compressing it which saves money as you browse items online.

4. RedLaser Barcode Scanner: Reviewers said that this app almost never fails, except if the particular item you are looking for is an unusual request. Scan the barcode of a product using this app, and it will search eBay and Google to find where the cheapest price is located. If you cannot access the barcode, type in keyword to search the item manually.

5. Kayak: For those who want to fly in and out but also want the cheapest flights and hotels available, this app is a must. Input details of where do you want to go, length of travel and how many are in a group, and it will provide the list of hotels in your chosen location with details about price, distance and quality. The app also includes cheapest flights on the date of departure, packing list, airport information and a currency converter.