A meal of a "Monster"-sized A.1. Peppercorn burger, Bottomless Steak Fries
A meal of a "Monster"-sized A.1. Peppercorn burger, Bottomless Steak Fries, and Monster Salted Caramel Milkshake is seen at a Red Robin restaurant in Foxboro, Massachusetts July 30, 2014. The dish was listed as the single unhealthiest meal to appear on the non-profit Center for Science in the Public Interest's (CSPI) Xtreme Eating Awards for 2014. The meal contains a grand total of 3,540 calories, three-and-a-half days' saturated fat (69 grams), and four days' worth of sodium (6,280 mg), according to the CSPI. REUTERS/Dominick Reuter REUTERS/Dominick Reuter

Kevin Haag, owner of K2 Performance Training, a fitness center in New Jersey told Huffington Post that a person is what he eats. The food one eats reflects on his body. Research published in Psychology and Health shows that people associate positive thoughts with junk food and this increases the craving for it. The most unhealthy foods that must be refrained from eating are listed below.

Artificial Sweeteners

Nutritionist Stephanie Middleberg, RD, founder of Middleberg Nutrition told Cosmopolitan that artificial sweeteners must be completely eliminated from a person’s diet. Artificial sweeteners increase one's craving for unhealthy, junk food and this ultimately results in over indulgence in junk. The craving causes overeating and obesity. Hence, artificial sweeteners must be avoided.

White Bread

White bread has very little nutrition and does not satisfy one's appetite. Though one may feel full, it eventually causes a person to feel hungry faster and indulge in other foods soon, states Mydiet.com. It also has a lot of sugar and the website states, that research has found, those who consumed white bread showed an increase in weight in a span of 12 years.

Fried Food

Fried food has a lot of calories and fat, causing an increase in weight. According to Huffington Post, it has no nutritional value and only causes a lot of health problems. You must switch to fresh vegetables instead and that would benefit one's health.


Middleberg states that though thought to be healthy it contains a lot of trans-fat which increases the cholesterol levels in the body. Though it is thought as a healthy alternative to butter, it contains the same amount of calories. She advises a consumption of a small amount of butter or olive oil. Most often people consume more of margarine, thinking it is healthier and better than butter and this is where the problem lies, she states. It is best to stay away from it.

Diet Foods

Diet food is considered low in fat and there is a tendency that one will overindulge in it. Middleberg told Cosmopolitan that it is not like what people think it to be. “Diet bars and low-fat foods like yogurts usually have more sugar, salt, and unhealthy fillers to make them taste okay,” she said. It is better to eat healthy that eat diet foods.

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