Personal Income taxes are musts for the development of any country. The idea of collecting tax can be traced back to the time leaders emerged from ancient societies. It might not be in a form of money when it started but the goal and reason for paying taxes remain the same. Find out what your annual take home pay will be if you are earning US$1M in these countries.

In Japan, you can take home US$ 491,600.00 (maximum personal income tax) 54.80%

In USA, you can take home US$ 604,000.00 39.60%

In Mozambique, Philippines and Poland, take home pay is US$680,000.00 32%

In New Zealand, you can take home US$ 670,000.00 33%

In India, you can take home US$ 660,100.00 33.99%

In China, Australia and UK, you can take home US$ 550,000.00 45%

In Denmark, your take home pay will be US$ 444,000.00 55.60%

In Ivory Coast and Chad, you can take home US$ 400,000.00 60%

you’ll probably think twice before thinking of migrating to these countries if you are looking to pay for a low personal income tax. Take a look at these second listing and tell us what you think.

In Russia and Tajikistan, your take home amount will be US$ 870,000.00 13%

In Bulgaria, Mongolia and Libya, you’ll get US$ 900,000.00 10%

In Macao, your take home amount will be US$ 880,000.00 12%

In Fiji, your take home pay is US$ 800,000.00 20%

In Nigeria, you can take home US$ 760,000.00 24%

In the Ukraine, you can take home US$ 830,000.00 17%

You might be thinking this is great news but wait until you take a look at all this other list.

In Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahamas, Bahrain, Brunei and Bermuda the percentage of personal income tax rate is 0%. Now how about that, where do you want to stay?

You can also take a look at the percentage of personal income tax rate all over the world to have an idea how other countries tax their citizenry.