Given the number of products and inventions at present, tech companies remain pressured to come up with the next big thing. Apart from strengthening their online platforms, it appears Facebook and Google have found what they want to offer next: artificial intelligence. According to recent information, the race is on for the two tech giants to come up with the next best AI system. Can they pull it off?

An artificial intelligence system refers to a program that can translate human speech and recognize images. Ideally, the system should be able to anticipate the needs of the users and work on achieving it ahead of time. Scientists have been working on the technology for years in hopes of matching the human brain. The main goal of AI is to create a computer system that can manage complex challenges similar to how humans can.

This is the latest buzz around Silicon Valley. According to a report by Top Tech News, Google, Facebook and similar large companies are looking for and hiring scientists related to artificial intelligence. The companies appear prepared to invest considerably on development of the technology.

"It's important to position yourself in this market for the next decade," said Yann LeCunn - LeCunn is a recognized New York University researcher overseeing the A.I. division of Facebook.

"A lot is riding on artificial intelligence and content analysis, and on being smarter about how people and computers interact," the scientist added.

Creating an artificial intelligence system will offer people more ways to handle daily routines. If created, the device can predict traffic conditions directing drones or cars somewhere else and similar tasks. It will also be easier for people to interact with their computers allowing hands-free operation. People can communicate with their computer systems just by talking or giving gestures. It will revolutionize user experience.

Facebook has already hired a number of esteemed A.I. scientists. Google, on the other hand, has been working on the system for years. The company reportedly hired recognized researchers including Geoffrey Hinton from University of Toronto and Andrew Ng from Stanford. The researchers were tasked to work on "neural networks" that can self teach.