Are you in love with a man who is basically not one of the good guys? Don't lose hope, some bad boys fall in love and a few of them exist in a number of films.

He Said, She Said (1991)

CREDIT: YouTube/oldhollywoodtrailers

He's a womaniser, she thought she'd never fall in love with a womaniser but she did. They live together while doing their show titled "He Said, She Said". Later on, she tells him she wants to get married but he said he can't. He changes his mind of course and this change of heart comes with a proposal on national TV.

Grease (1978)

CREDIT: YouTube/The Trailer Gal

Danny Zuko, played by John Travolta, meets a girl named Sandy (Olivia Newton-John) one summer. They fall in love but Olivia Newton-John's character has to go back to Australia leaving Zuko behind.

When Sandy's parents decided not to go back to Australia, Sandy went to a high school nearby -the same school where Danny goes. The two do not know that they are both there so they tell their respective cliques about that summer love affair they had. Sandy focuses on the romance while Danny focuses on the sexual parts of the romance.

He would later try to keep his bad boy image driving Sandy away.

It's A Boy Girl Thing (2006)

CREDIT: YouTube/Cheesy Peteza

The film is about two neighbours who hate each other's guts. They go to the same high school and he always bullies her. During a trip to a museum, the two started arguing in front of a sacred statue and as a result, they literally exchange bodies.They fall in love afterwards.

Three Days of the Condor (1975)

Robert Redford plays a CIA agent barely escaping a massacre in his current office. He goes on the run and takes a woman (Faye Dunaway) hostage. As with any Hitchcock hero, Robert Redford's character is still that of a gentleman but he treats Dunaway bad. Later on however, his hostage falls in love with him. Some may call it Stockholm syndrome but the relationship between Faye Dunaway's character and that of Redford's is classified by Hollywood as love.