Pregnant woman
In Photo: Experts say women, who are in the second trimester of their pregnancy, are more at risk of being involved in a traffic-related accident. Reuters / NEWSCOM

Pregnant mothers will need more nutrients than normal because they have to give more to their growing baby. Mothers will have to get more vitamins and minerals from supplementation aside from the regular meals they consume daily. Here are some of the most important nutrients that pregnant women should get more of.

1. Calcium

The growing baby will absorb a lot of calcium from the mother to develop healthy and strong bones and teeth. Women will also benefit from calcium by keeping their bone dense as they carry more weight throughout pregnancy. They will further prevent high blood pressure especially in the later trimester. Some of the best sources include milk, yogurt and cheese.

2. Folic acid or folate

Doctors usually prescribe folic acid supplements to pregnant mothers because it is known to help prevent neural tube defects and spina bifida among growing fetuses. The placenta will also benefit from folic acid supplementation. One study published on Medical Daily recommended that women should begin taking folic acid supplements one month before they become pregnant.

3. Iron

Pregnant mothers need to take more iron to boost the production of hemoglobin and prevent anemia. Women will need to have adequate amounts of blood when they deliver the baby. Iron is also known to prevent low birth weight among newborn babies and avoid premature delivery.

4. Vitamin D

Similar to calcium, vitamin D is essential in boosting bone and teeth development among growing babies. Mothers will require about 600 international units every day, but they can also get vitamin D from sources like salmon and fortified milk.

5. Iodine

Pregnant women will benefit much from taking more iodine. It is needed for the development of the brain and nervous system of healthy babies. Iodine is also shown to prevent mental disability, deafness, stunted growth, stillbirth and miscarriage. Women will need 250 to 1,100 mcg every day, depending on their weight and specific needs. Some of the good sources include yogurt and cottage cheese. One study published on showed how lack of iodine during pregnancy can lead to poor IQ among children.