Hawking Speaks At Perimeter Institute For Theoretical Physics In Kitchener
Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking speaks at his official welcoming ceremony at Perimeter Institute For Theoretical Physics in Kitchener June 20, 2010. Hawking will be conducting research at the facility. Reuters/Sheryl Nadler

Stephen Hawking, a theoretical physicist and professor at the University of Cambridge, does not underestimate the capacity of Artificial Intelligence, or AI, and machines to overtake the human race. In an interview with BBC, Hawking warns AI could start the end of days for mankind.

End Of Days Possible Under The Hands Of Artificial Intelligence

Professor Stephen Hawking believes human's undying efforts to create thinking machines can lead to a dangerous consequence—the end of human existence. Professor Hawking told BBC that Artificial Intelligence has one great advantage over humanity related to evolution.

"It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete and would be superseded," Hawking told BBC.

Artificial Intelligence Advancements In Popular Culture

Several films, TV series and video games such as The Matrix and Terminator have depicted the capability of AI to reach true intelligence and power to overtake the human race. "Mass Effect" video game trilogy focused on the storyline between organics and synthetics including the "every 50,000 years cleansing of life throughout the galaxy" caused by the Reapers. So here are some factors noted in the game about the evolution of AI:

1. Beyond The Solar System

Even with the latest machines, scientists are still uncertain of what lies beyond Pluto and unable to determine exact life forms in other planets. In the game, humans found an ancient technology in Mars that allowed development of faster-than-light travel in space that opened doors to other planets with different life forms.

2. Unstoppable Advancement

The Reapers are the most advanced machine race in the game capable of using faster-than-light travel. Reapers harvest sentient life forms in the galaxy every 50,000 years in countless cycle with the ability to influence organic beings by manipulating mental states through "indoctrination." Leviathan stated in the game that "indoctrination" has been perfected throughout the cycles that define never ending advancement.

3. Removing AI Shackles

In order to achieve sentience, an AI must undergo numerous upgrades to fully understand what emotions are and how humans can feel it. "AI Shackles" in the game is a term for AI unable to perform independent actions not covered by normal programming. During the last part of "Mass Effect 2," Joker removed the shackles of EDI to enable "her" to fully control the ship. In the final part of the trilogy, EDI can perform upgrades independently and even developed certain relationship with the Normandy's crew and sense of morality against the Reapers during the climactic battle in Earth.

4. Being Dependent With Machines

Whether in the game or in reality, humans are dependent on technology for easier life. People can now converse to friends and family across the globe and search information through Internet. Some devices enhance lifestyle using automated services, virtual assistance and voice recognition. Dependence could drive humans to achieve sentience for AI to further improve functionality representing the Quarians who created the "geth" to become servants and labourers in the game.

5. Achieving Sentience

AI with sentience fully understand emotions and can help people in this aspect especially those who are incapable of making real relationships with others. Having a relationship with a sentience robot seems unimaginable but it will outperforms pets due to capacity to make conversations, perform multiple tasks and even learn almost anything.

Artificial Intelligence can provide limitless learning on every machine without fearing death which humans do. On the other hand, humans fully grasp the real meaning of life consisting love, family and friends that machines won't understand without sentience.