Emma Watson started as the straight-A muggle in the overly famous Harry Potter series and metamorphosed into a matured woman with an imminent invasion of Hollywood.

She literally grew up before our eyes. One will be surprised just how big the fanbase of Emma Watson is. Little girls look up to the actress for being smart, confident and fashionable. Moreover, we are just as surprised to find out how normal Emma is with each of us.

Known as smart and sophisticated young actress, Emma Watson graduated from her childhood days in the Harry Potter series and embraced acting roles that fit and challenge her. Moreover, she is an inspiration for many when she attended university while pursuing her acting career.

She was once known as the bossy, know-it-all friend Harry, Hermione. However, she famously chopped her long curly hair as a symbol of her saying goodbye to child roles. She now sports a Twiggy-like short hair.

Now, she plays the role quirky Sam in "Perks of Being a Wallflower" and one of the delinquent teens in "The Bling Ring." She is also casted in Darren Aronofsky's Noah.

Emma already knew that she wanted to be an actress at the age of six. However, she also wanted to be well-rounded woman pursuing her love for different mediums of arts.

Emma Watson is just like many girls. Her mother even picks her at the airport when she flies back home in London. Moreover, she also tweets mundane things like about the weather and what goes on in her day.

"I don't want other people to decide who I am. I want to decide that for myself. I want to avoid becoming too styled and too "done" and too generic. You see people as they go through their career and they just become more and more like everyone else. They start out with something individual about them but it gets lost," Watson said.

See the slideshow for the photos of Emma Watson from Harry Potter days up to this date.