It's tempting to just indulge this Christmas season. After all it only happens once a year and what's the harm in taking part in the celebration? Unfortunately with all the parties and dinners taking place around the holidays it's easy to fall of your diet. With so many sumptuous feasts laid out this holiday season, how can you resist another slice of pie or a piece of roast? Here are some traditional foods you need to avoid this Christmas season.

Egg Nog

Egg nog maybe a very seasonal drink but it's also a very fattening one. An 8 once cup of egg nog equals 350 calories and 12 grams of fat. Avoid this sweet and creamy treat and go for the healthier substitute but equally yummy: hot chocolate. Make your hot chocolate with skim milk and you'll avoid 50 calories.

Macaroni and Cheese

This side dish packs a whopping amount of calories and fat. An average serving will have 400 calories and around 11 grams of fat. And chances are you're going to want to get more servings of this delicious dish. Unless you make your own mac and cheese with skim milk and low fat cheese, avoid this side dish.

Carrot Cake

Don't be fooled by the name, there's nothing healthy about carrot cake. This popular cake has been adding 650 calories and 34 grams of fat to many unsuspecting waistlines. There are better ways of getting the vitamin A in the carrots such as eating plain carrots without the cake.

Pies Topped with Ice Cream or Whipped Cream

A staple of many dinner tables, pies have high-calorie ingredients like rich, buttery pie crusts and sweet fillings. And to top it all off is whipped cream or ice cream which pushes the calorie content to an average of 700 calories and 32 grams of fat. Apple pie a la mode has about 1,200 calories, 53 grams of fat and 23 grams of saturated fat in one serving.

Rib Roast

Rib roast is one of the main dishes in many dinners but it's also one of the most fattening foods you can eat. A 6-ounce slab of rib roast can have up to 720 calories, 63 grams of fat and 27 grams of saturate fat. That's more than the recommended amount of saturated fat you can eat per day. Don't be tempted by the prime rib it can set your diet back for days.