If there's one theme that the photos of Justin Bieber would mostly be about aside from his "PDA" moments with Selena Gomez, it is his interesting yet crazy car moments.

Even if it has just been a year when he got his official driver's license, he already has a long list of records recorded in his driving history. He was recently reported to have cut off a patrolman in California while riding his 'Batman' type of Cadillac.

He was given first warning by the officer but the paparazzis made a big thing out of it as they took shots and released it to become a selling story. But did you know that this is not the first time that he made some breaking news with his cars? He has gotten himself involved in a lot of crazy car issues that you certainly need to buckle up as you get to view them in this slideshow.

It has been definitely one bumpy ride for Bieber's career and driving record!


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