Several mods have been made available for “Dragon Age Inquisition” which modifies the amount of loot, increases the inventory capacity and changes the possibility of getting Fade-Touched crafting materials. Other mods from the list affect the war table such as eliminating the waiting time and more items from repeatable operations.

MoreLoot Mod

MoreLoot game mod by Dheuster allows the player to configure the random loot tables of the game using four versions – slightly, moderately, much and extreme. Throughout the game, it affects items and drops from enemies, containers, chests and corpses. Crafting materials are also increased by this mod determined by the player.

War Table – No Waiting

For players unable to wait War Table operations can use Tahira’s War Table – No Waiting game mode. As the name suggests, it sets the required time for every operation on the War Table to zero and any operation selected will be completed immediately. It must be installed using the DAI Mod Manager while certain workarounds are necessary for Patch 5 and Patch 6.

More Fade-Touched

More Fade-Touched game mod by Ghostfish increases the chance of players to obtain Fade-Touched crafting materials used to create masterwork items. It generally affects all Fade-Touched items in the game except for some which are executed by quests such as Fade-Touched cloths requiring the completion of the Arcanist quest. It requires Patch 5 or higher in order to function.

War Table More Materials

Players can increase the number of materials obtained through War Table repeatable operations by using the War Table More Materials from Zalunaya. It provides higher and more randomised number of crafting materials from any War Table missions. The mod requires the latest patch and DAI Mod Manager to be installed.

Increase Inventory Capacity

A game mod called Increase Inventory Capacity from Ehamloptiran dramatically increases the inventory capacity by a variable amount defined during merging with the default amount of 400. Players can still change the amount from 60 to 32767. However, it must be used before the Inquisitor acquires any perk which increases inventory capacity just to avoid the editing the details all over again. It requires DAI Mod Manager for installation and a save editor to edit details regarding inventory capacity.

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