Playable races and classes have been exposed by BioWare including the class specialisations. Check out the four races, three base classes and nine specialisations on "Dragon Age Inquisition" coming on November 18.

Playable Races To Be The Inquisitor

There are four races playable on "Dragon Age Inquisition" compared to the three available on "Dragon Age Origins" and only human on "Dragon Age 2." Dwarves, elves, humans and Qunari are all possible choices during character creation.

1. Race of dwarves return with short and stocky physical appearance that commonly lived underground. Some dwarves spend lives as merchants or smugglers but remain no connection to the Fade and therefore cannot become a mage. Dwarves have 25 per cent bonus to Magic Defence.

2. Historically oppressed race of the elves return with the usual pointed ears. Most of the poorest elves survive within human cities as slaves while the Dalish lives as nomadic elves. Elves have 25 per cent bonus to Ranged Defence.

3. Humans dominate the world of Thedas and currently the most dominant race on "Dragon Age" series. Human characters have a bonus ability point upon the start of the game.

4. Qunari returns as a playable race that strictly follows the religion called Qun. Any Qunari abandoning the religious code of the Qun will become a Tal-Vashoth. Qunari characters have 10 per cent bonus to Melee Defence.

Playable Classes On 'Dragon Age Inquisition'

"Dragon Age Inquisition" main game version will have three playable classes and it is unknown if BioWare plans to add other base characters in the future. Base playable classes include the Warrior, Rogue and Mage with potential to get specialisations to unlock new abilities.

1. Warriors are the hardest in combat due to higher health and defence. This class can use either two-handed weapons or equipping a sword and shield. Warriors can specialise as a Champion to focus on withstanding damage, a Reaver to do vicious and deadly attacks or a Templar to fight mages and demons.

2. Rogues focus on tearing foes one at a time by dealing huge amount of damage. This class can use either a bow or two daggers. Rogues can specialise as an Artificer to create deadly traps, an Assassin for killing foes quicker and deadlier or a Tempest to use alchemical mixtures to take down enemies.

3. Mages use raw energy of the Fade to destroy opponents easily. This class can only use staves as weapon. Mages can specialise as a Knight Enchanter to use blades of the Fade to protect and defend allies, a Necromancer to bring spirits and death to enemies, or a Rift Mage to manipulate the force of the Fade or twist the Veil to crush opponents.

For more details regarding about these classes and how the characters will look like, check out the official Web site of "Dragon Age Inquisition. The game is scheduled to be released on November 18 to several platforms including Windows PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.