Blizzard Entertainment, which is known for their bestselling and popularly loved video game 'DIABLO' series, has finally launched their latest expansion, DIABLO 3: REAPER OF SOULS. Diablo 3 was released in 2011. It has been two years since Blizzard developed and released the most awaited expansion. During the early years of release, many gamers were immediately disappointed and turned their backs on the game. One of the many reasons was its online servers were very inconsistent.

But things changed when news about an expansion for Diablo 3 came out late 2012. Diablo 3 has earned back many D3 players when the official title 'Reaper of Souls' was announced mid 2013. Gamers were excited,got their characters back up online, and grinded for many hours to prepare for the upcoming expansion.

So now it's released, did Reaper of Souls live up to everyone's expectations? It surely did. Read some of the players comments below:

"(I)t's gotten much better. You should pick it up, it is a very fun game" Spencer Rossi said in the YouTube comments section.

" Game is amazing guys! Crusader is awesome. Soundtrack is awesome. Environments and graphics overall are rich with detail, dark and gothic as F@#K! I love it!" said KineticGTR, YouTube user.

With the new addition to the story line, it's the Angel of Death Malthael's turn to wipe out the lives of the 'Nephalim' characters and all human race. Along the adventure in battling Malthael, there are more things to grind hours for in this exciting new installment.

New Character, New Skills

The Crusader brings in a new twist to the usual strength-type character. He puts on a heavier looking armor, a mace, a shield, and a formidable new set of skills for players to enjoy.

New 'Act', New Map

Act 5 has been added to the game from the previous first four ACTS in Diablo 3. It will give more areas for players to explore, and eventually meet and engage the Reaper at the end.

New Adventures, Loot 2.0

Adventure mode has been added which allows gamers now to freely play from 'Act' to 'Act' without having to reconnect every time. Also one of the many things that had gamers replaying Diablo 3, Reaper of Souls is the Loot 2.0, making grinding for game items more rewarding.