The hardcore community of players that still play Bungie’s “Destiny” continue to find new and amazing ways to entertain themselves. “Destiny” player The HM05 may have taken this to the extreme, having taken on ultra-hard raid boss Crota, Son of Oryx all by himself and won. Others have done this before, so what makes this feat particularly notable? The HM05 did it all without firing a single shot.

How does one go about defeating one of the most difficult bosses in the entire game without firing a bullet in a first-person shooter? The HM05 documented the amazing run on his YouTube channel, which shows the incredible skill, timing and patience required.

Once he’s made his way into Crota’s Lair, The HM05 uses a combination of guile and wits to bring down Bungie’s big bad boss. Focusing on advanced evasion, grenades, melee attacks and supers, he’s able to conquer all in his path, including Acolyte’s, Swordberarers and Crota himself. As noted by Eurogamer, The HM05 uses a specially tuned Warlock for this run, leaning heavily on the characters’ ability to rapidly respawn grenades.

Crota’s End is a notoriously difficult endgame raid, set on the Moon and introduced in the “Destiny” expansion “The Dark Below.” Located in the heart of a Hive stronghold is Crota, Son of Oryx, a god-like Hive Knight intent on leading the horde army against humanity. The raid is designed to test the mettle of up to six veteran players, making The HM05’s achievement all the more impressive.

Bungie introduced a level 33 hard mode to the raid in January, making it one of the hardest endgame activities in “Destiny.” As previously reported, a player named Slayerage was able to beat the new mode while playing solo. Both accomplishments follow those of another player, named WiLLisGaming, who flew a Sparrow all the way through the Vault of Glass raid. The “Destiny” playerbase will have to keep looking for new ways to keep themselves busy for a while yet, the next expansion, “House of Wolves” is slated for release later this year, but no official date has been given.

(Credit: YouTube/TheHM05)

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