"Destiny" is celebrating Halloween with Festival of the Lost. Bungie

“Destiny” is getting Trials of Osiris back in action, which is a comeback after The Taken King launched. The PvP mode will see some changes compared to before, as part of the 2.0.1 update.

Detailed again in Bungie’s Weekly Update, players who participate in the new Trials of Osiris will get Trials gear after every completed match, though these can also be purchased via Brother Vance. The Lighthouse still exists for players who managed to keep winning on the Passage. Bungie noted that “Destiny” players who are able to continue past nine wins in the Trials of Osiris keep on playing, but the rewards are maxed out on the ninth win.

There are also bounties where players can win Legendary Marks. Also, for players who are worried about the kind of competition that they will face in the PvP would be happy to know that the matchmaking system has been improved so that reaching The Lighthouse will provide a challenge.

“There will be a greater chance that the other team will be on the same rung as the ladder as you, making your climb to 9-0 much more meaningful and those last few matches much more fun for everyone,” said Senior Designer Derek Carroll over at the official Bungie website.

Another event in time for Halloween is the Festival of the Lost. Part of the Halloween celebration over at “Destiny” is the Costume Contest, which has been extended for a day. Additionally, the Festival of the Lost event is timed, and it applies to all accessory events. The emotes and treasures linked to the Festival of the Lost over at the Eververse Trading Co. will be gone once the event ends.

Bungie is also offering a chance for players to get their real-life engrams. According to Polygon, the official store is selling engrams in a four-pack bundle for $20. The engrams are technically soft stress balls that are three inches wide for both sides, but they can also be display toys.

The real-life engrams include the uncommon green, the rare blue, the purple legendary and the Exotic yellow ones. Currently, the stock is limited, so the developer has stated that those who are interested to get their own should act fast.

"Destiny" Festival of the Lost (Credit: YouTube/Arekkz Gaming)

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