The prospect of an energy source that is environmentally clean and free has also been considered a Utopian ideal, something that won't happen in real life. Andrea Rossi's Energy Catalyzer or E-Cat for short is now promising to bring about that Utopia as the dream of cheap energy could suddenly become real.

The E-Cat is a cold fusion device that works fuses hydrogen atoms with nickel to transform it into copper. The resulting fusion reaction creates heat that will drive a turbine. The turbine would then generate electricity. Andrea Rossi and physicist Sergio Focardi have demonstrated the device last October and the E-Cat actually produced an average of 470 kilowatts for more than five hours.

Despite the promising results there are still many questions left unanswered about the E-Cat. For one thing Rossi is tight-lipped about the secret catalyst that's supposed to transform nickel into copper. Scientists are still unconvinced about the device and only repeated demonstrations can prove that it will work for the long term. The process has to be verified and tested exhaustively. Still if the device actually works, there could be a technological revolution that will transform the world.

Ultra cheap energy would be a boon to the flagging world economy. Manufacturers will be able to provide cheaper goods. Households will have a cheaper utility bill which means extra cash to buy products on the market. Energy intensive industries will become more financially feasible.

Transportation will also be affected. With cheaper electricity, electric cars will be a better alternative than combustion engine cars. If the E-Cat works it can be used as a steam engine to propel trucks, trains and even planes. The trucking and shipping industry will be transformed. Shipping prices will go down.

A home based E-Cat system can also bring energy to those living far off the grid. Three billion people still don't have electricity, with E-Cat that number can drop to zero.

The overall effects of an E-Cat power plant are far ranging. It's not possible to foresee all the implications and effects of this technology but if the E-Cat works one thing is certain, the world won't be the same.

Must Read: Is Cold Fusion Even Possible?
Must Read: Energy Catalyzers: Rivals Arise to Rossi’s E-Cat