It is expected to witness a World Wrestling Entertainment talent leave the mother ship and jump to Hollywood. This was exemplified by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, now arguably the WWE's primary example of springboarding his ring fame to a movie career. But a wrestler turning into a Marvel comic book writer? That is a first. Semi-retired wrestler CM Punk has reportedly been tapped by Marvel to write a Thor comic book, as he was officially welcomed by the company's Web site.

The 36-year-old wrestler earlier declared that he will never go back to wrestling, and this new development all but confirms that Punk is moving in a different direction. Punk, who is known as Phil Brooks, relayed during an interview in the same site how the arrangement came into fruition.

"I've been thinking for the past two hours like, 'How did this all come about?' I mean, you know I've been pestering people at Marvel. I think it might've been...well, I think I met you at San Diego Comic-Con 2011, something like that," Punk explained how he got the writing gig.

The comic book aficionado declares that they have been given the freedom to explore the world of Thor. He is planning to explore a younger version of the character with a February 2015 release in mind. Punk has not totally discounted his past career and said that the many failures he suffered inside and outside the WWE's ring prepared him to face all possibilities. The interview also revealed that the man, also known as "The Best in the World," has produced a comic book story line before and will use that experience to make the real deal, whether it succeeds or fails.

Punk has recently been embroiled in a complicated suit with Vince McMahon and the WWE world as he chose to cut his ties with the wrestling outfit February of this year. Both sides were also able to settle some of the legal complications such as the inclusion of his character in the game console WWE 2K15 as well as the selling of his merchandise in WWE online stores. The news that Punk is taking a new direction in his career puts certainty that the former wrestler will stay retired for the time being.