The unofficial fan poll was not for nothing, and the fan favorite has finally been revealed as a new name joins the roster of Injustice: Gods Among Us superheroes.

NetherRealm Studios creative head Ed Boon had a lot of fun tweeting teasers for fans, particularly the clues to the sixth DLC in the roster of heroes. Here are the clues that have been sent through Twitter and see if you can figure out the DC hero just based on that:

"Clue #1 for Next INJUSTICE DLC character: The Cars... Refers to their song MAGIC"

"Clue #2 for Next INJUSTICE DLC Character: Upside-down. Refers to "The Cars" lyrics from MAGIC: 'Summer, it turns me UPSIDE DOWN'"

"INJUSTICE DLC character #6 clue: The Puppet in FUNHOUSE pinball was based on the puppet from the 1978 movie MAGIC.

"INJUSTICE DLC character #6 clue: Olivia Newton John refers to one of her songs titled: MAGIC"

So after all the teasing, Boon revealed that, yes, the character is Zatanna, and that even showed a video of her kicking ass and showing off her special move. Of course, that doesn't mean Zatanna doesn't get tossed around, but with a bit (or a lot of) magic, she conquers the battle with the right sleight of hand.

Just check out Zatanna's kickass still, from the guys at NetherRealm Studios.

As for when the release date is, Boon has tweeted: "Zatanna will be avialble to download ($4.99) this coming Tuesday, Aug 13!!"

Minecon 2013 tickets sold out-time for a petition

Every year, Mojang's convention, Minecon, for Minecraft has been seeing tickets sold out left and right, more than what you would expect of hot cakes.

This year, however, it seems that more fans want to get in on the fun happening at Orlando, Florida on November 2 and 3, as a petition has recently been filed on in order for Mojang to sell more tickets to this year's convention.

One of the hot topics in the Minecraft forums is the possible petition, with users saying that a game with 12 million fans, the 7,500 rumoured number of guests to the event is barely enough to scratch the surface of supporters.

"With a game this big, don't you think there should be more tickets available? if almost 12 MILLION people play the PC version, 7,500 is barely anything compared to that HUGE number. There should be AT LEAST 2,500 more sold and maybe even more," wrote Dog51848YT on the forums.

Many people seem to agree with this, as the petition already has 385 supporters, with the plea being that there be tickets sold to fans who want to go, instead of those who just bought tickets in order to scalp them.

But what is interesting here is that the petition organizer reported that, with 200 signatures reached, there is a bit of good news.

"News from the @MojangSupport twitter account shows that our petition has been given to the event planners!" wrote Matt Lydon. "Even though this petition is a desperate attempt at change, it can't hurt to try! The more people who sign, the better [chances] we have. "

Are you one of those who want to get a Minecon 2013 ticket? You can support the petition at

Batman: Arkham Origins to release Collectors Ed

Another hero game, this time the Caped Crusader, also features developments, in the form of a Collector's Edition pack for the PS3 and Xbox 360.

According to VG 24/7, the pack will have some very exclusive content for around $123. The pack includes a lot of content, including the exclusive Arkham Origins highly detailed premium statue of Batman and The Joker, a hardbound artbook with 80 pages of full-color, 1st Appearance Batman Skin DLC, Assassin's Intel Dossier with files on eight assassins and Black Mask's contract, a Deathstroke Challenge Pack DLC (which can be used in Challenge Maps and also features two challenge maps and two Deathstroke Skins), and an exclusive 3D Metal Pack.

Those who are getting the PS3 version will also get the Knightfall pack as an exclusive add-on.