Controversial R&B singer, Chris Brown has completed his domestic violence program by the end of January this year. The counseling program started almost two years ago and is part of the guilty-plea on charges hurled against him for assaulting his then girlfriend, singer Rihanna.

According to the Associated Press, Brown appeared for a progress report hearing in a court in Los Angeles Friday, January 28.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Patricia Schnegg applauded Brown for completing the program which lasted for one year. Now that the counseling program is completed, the 21- year-old singer is no longer required to visit the court for progress report hearings every three months.

Brown serves probation for five years after admitting assaulting Rihanna in a rented sports car when the two caught on heavy fight after the pre-Grammy Awards party. The fight began when Brown received a text from a female friend causing Rihanna to blew her top.

Pictures of Rihanna’s swelling face in black and blue were circulated in the net causing heavy media attention. Brown’s then promising career paid the price as sponsorships and endorsements for big companies were pulled out as he lost his credibility and wholesome image.

Brown has been ordered to keep a 100-yards distance from Rihanna. The City News Service reports however said that the judge would make her decision at a later date on whether or not to lift the protective order against the R& B singer.