Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Black Market
"Call of Duty Black Ops 3" players can get new weapons from the Black Market. Call of Duty

Infinity Ward will be changing up “Call of Duty Infinite Warfare” in many ways—as seen in the focus of space rather than a traditional battleground. However, the developer also assured fans that it will still have the identity of the franchise.

Speaking to Gamingbolt, the developer showed exactly just how it planned to do that. Infinity Ward’s Brian Horton touched on the story of the newest installment, which he says will be the heart that contains the essence of the franchise.

“Our focus was to try and tell a character-driven story of a band of brothers; so Lt, Reyes is surrounded by a cast of fully fleshed out squad mates of which make up the fighting force that has to defeat this settlement defense front,” said Horton to Gamingbolt.

According to Horton, the characters will be the main player’s support. As AIs and as a way to progress through the narrative. They will even supposedly have a big role in the story mode for “Call of Duty Infinite Warfare.”

For the current title, “Call of Duty Black Ops 3” players can check out the latest trailer for the Black Market. It showcases a few new weapons and taunts coming to the Black Market. The trailer, seen below, shows some of the weapons in action. Among these are the Peacekeeper MK2 assault rifle, the R70 Ajax 3D ammo-printing LMG, the DBSR-50 double barrel sniper rifle, a shock baton and even nunchucks. According to Twinfinite, the new items are only available via Supply Drops.

“Call of Duty®: Black Ops III’s biggest Black Market update yet has arrived with new Epic Taunts, personalization items, and weapons, including the Peacekeeper MK2 assault rifle, R70 Ajax 3D ammo-printing LMG, DBSR-50 double barrel sniper rifle, and more. Blackjack will be waiting for you to exchange your Cryptokeys or Call of Duty Points for a chance at completing your new loadout,” as per the description over the official trailer.

The new items on the Black Market are all available in the PC, PS4 and Xbox One versions of “Call of Duty Black Ops3.” This year’s title, “Call of Duty Infinite Warfare,” will be available on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One on Nov. 4.

"Call of Duty Black Ops 3" Black Market trailer (Credit: YouTube/Call of Duty)