It seems that Call of Duty: Ghosts may win another round against Battlefield 4, now that it has been named PS4's best-selling game.

Call of Duty: Ghosts has brought its popularity from the current gen to the next-gen consoles, and the numbers for November gathered by Sony seemed to point to this face. Activision's franchise takes the cake for the top 20 games with digital upgrades, though it is closely followed by Battlefield 4 at second place.

And for games listed for the PS4 without digital upgrades, Battlefield overtakes Call of Duty: Ghosts at the third spot, as the latter is in the sixth. What do you think of the rankings? Do they reflect the actual experience in the game?

*More updates and patches released for Call of Duty: Ghosts and Battlefield 4: Read here for more.

Call of Duty: Ghosts patches Wii U version

In keeping with improving the game for players, Joystiq reports that Treyarch has recently released an update for the Call of Duty: Ghosts Wii U version. The most notable addition to the game is the platform-exclusive Scoreboard, which will let you see the multiplayer stats while in battle and mute players whom you don't want to hear during the game.

*A new game, Call of Duty: Online may be coming out and released for the West: Learn all about the new game here.

There's a long list of fixes, which you can check out in the community link here, but to give Wii U gamers a taste of what's waiting with the update, you can expect fixes for improved texture resolution and placement of hitmarkers for the Wii Remote, fixes for split screen UI, the map spawn issues, crashes when entering and leaving lobbies, and ejecting disc when a sub-user was signed in.

*Is Call of Duty: Ghosts' lower sales a result of the switch from Xbox 360 to Xbox One? Read the story here.

Battlefield 4 PC patch detailed

The patches are finally coming for Battlefield 4, as this time, the patch notes have been released for the PC version of the game.

Following the delayed release of the PS4 patch, the PC patch for Battlefield 4 has a number of fixes, which have been listed on Some of the issues fixed includes increasing the camera height when moving and crouching to reflect the height of the soldier, fixing the most frequently occurring client crashes, fixing broken collision on containers with open doors, and fixing a bug in Defuse mode.

*Problems with Battlefield are putting a temporary stop to DICE's other projects: Read the full story here.

The Battlefield 4 PC patch also aims to fix side gunner jitter, miscellaneous stability related to crashes, broken aiming for those riding the China Rising dirt bike, frae drops when shooting at large Levolution objects, bugs in sounds, and bugs in double save during multiplayer round transition to fix corrupted save files.

The patch comes after reports of EA's stocks tanking at 8.28%. Forbes adds that this can be a reaction to the problems with one of EA's biggest games and the fact that some projects are on hold.

Hopefully, the rollout of patches and continuing of DLCs for Battlefield 4 will help bring up the game's popularity once more, and put EA and DICE back in positive light.