The new “Call of Duty” will be out soon but many gamers are now mulling over whether to get “Call of Duty: Ghost” or the other first shooter game Battlefield 4.

CREDIT: YouTube/Call of Duty
Making a choice between the two games is important because buying both will mean spending over AU1, 500 just on video games. But this still does not answer the question on which one you should choose.
Battlefield h may have given Call of Duty: Ghosts a bit of a slight in its trailer where one guy hit a dog. Call of Duty: Ghosts has dogs.

Call of Duty: Ghosts
Call of Duty: Ghosts is the tenth installation of COD. It will be released for Microsoft Windows, Wii U, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 on November 5, 2013.
For PlayStation 4, it’s November 15, 2013 for North America and November 29, 2013 for Europe. Xbox One users will be able to get a hold of the video game by November 22, 2013.

The upcoming video game is the sixth game developed by Infinity Ward. Sources say it will be available in Japan through Activision on the 14th of November, 2013.
It will also be the first COD game that gamers can play on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
The new Call of Duty does not have similar gameplay as previous installations. New mechanics have reportedly been added i.e. having the capability of altering or destroying certain areas in the map. On some maps, players can do a nuke-like attack. There is also the Odin Strike that enables players to kill the top player on the other side.
The sniper rifle scopes in COD Ghosts features dual render technology making it possible for the player to have a peek outside of the lens’s scope.
As far as features go, Call of Duty: Ghosts will give you environmental destruction and a horde of players.

Battlefield 4

CREDIT: YouTube/Games HQ Media

BF4 is another first-person shooter game to be released on October 29 in North America, October 31 in Japan and Australia and November 1 in Europe for Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and 4, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows.
Battlefield 4 is pretty much the same as the game before it –the two compact rectangles in the heads up display is still there. The new thing about the newest Battlefield game is players can now utilise dual-scoped weapons including automatics.