Call of Duty BO3
Treyarch has announced another Double XP and Double Weapon XP weekend for "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3." Treyarch

The weekend will bring another great event for “Call of Duty: Black Ops 3” players. Starting April 1 until 4, there will be a Double XP and Double Weapon XP for Treyarch’s COD title.

Over at the official Treyarch Twitter, the developer confirmed that the event will go live as early as Friday 10:00 a.m. PST. This event will be available in the multiplayer and zombies mode of “Call of Duty: Black Ops 3” for all of its platforms.

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At the same time, Activision has announced that those on the PS4 can sample the Awakening DLC map pack for “Call of Duty: Black Ops 3” over the weekend. This will be happening simultaneously with the Double XP and Double Weapon XP time frame. All of the inclusions in the Awakening DLC, like the Zombies experience, the multiplayer maps and more can be accessed.

Over at the Activision Blog, the publisher advised PS4 players to get the latest update. this way, those who want to access the Zombies menu can select Der Eisendrache from the map selection screen. For those who want to access the new multiplayer maps that come in the Awakening DLC, all they have to do is to access the Awakening playlist or a mode-specific playlist of their choice via multiplayer menu to get the maps that are already in the rotation.

Rounding up the new updates for “Call of Duty: Black Ops 3” is the first teaser for the upcoming DLC2 Zombie map. Treyarch is expected to have a livestream on March 31, 11:00 a.m. PT, according to Charlie Intel. In the teaser image, it shows what appears to be a camp with different soldiers and forces being commanded and prepped for action.

During the livestream, more details should be announced regarding the upcoming DLC. One sure thing that fans can expect, however, would be zombies in the live stream, so it’s worth checking out.

"Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" Awakening DLC (Credit: YouTube/Call of Duty)