Scott Clifton and Jacqueline MacInnes Wood
"The Bold and the Beautiful" actor Scott Clifton is featured in a romantic scene with his on-screen partmer Jacqueline MacInnes Wood. YouTube/boldandbeautiful

A series of shocking twists awaits fans of “The Bold and Beautiful” (“B&B”) as the long-running soap airs its last episode for the year. On Thursday, Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) drops a shocking bombshell on Liam (Scott Clifton). She announces that she has to move out. She decides that they can’t live with each other anymore while her divorce is still ongoing.

Naturally, Liam wouldn’t take the news well, but spoilers suggest the couple would reach a compromise. Speaking of surprises, Ivy (Ashleigh Brewer) is stunned to stumble upon Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) and Quinn (Rena Sofer), who are both naked inside a room. Ivy would feel conflicted and wonder if she should tell Eric (John McCook) about it. Other “The Bold and the Beautiful” characters who will figure prominently on the Dec.29 installment include Bill (Don Diamont), Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) and Wyatt (Darin Brooks).

Spoiler Alert! This article contains "The Bold and the Beautiful" spoilers. Read only if you want to know more about it.

TV Guide reports that on Thursday’s episode of “B&B,” Ivy catches Quinn and Ridge in a compromising position. Meanwhile, Steffy comes up with a creative way to cushion some bad news.

The show’s official YouTube channel posted a preview video for the Dec.29 episode. [Watch below.] It features multiple scenes with Bill, Brooke, Eric, Wyatt, Quinn and Ridge.

Bill opens the clip as he makes a bold promise to Brooke. “I guarantee you that by this time next year, I’d spend the day you should be spending I should have been spending today – on my yacht with the woman I love,” he says. The two also talk about Quinn, and Bill describes her as a “black cat has her claws so deep into Eric.” Bill reckons she’s not going anywhere and Ridge knows it.

Meanwhile, Eric offers a piece of advice. “If you give Steffy even half of what your mother’s giving to me, I know she’s going to be just fine,” he tells Wyatt.

Elsewhere, Quinn issues Ridge a stern warning. “I don’t want you to flirt with me anymore,” she orders him.

Source: YouTube/Bold and Beautiful

"The Bold and the Beautiful" recap

On Wednesday, Quinn told Eric that it’s hard for Wyatt to see his wife going home to another man every night. Later, Eric asked Steffy to see him. At the mansion, Eric told Steffy that she’s a married woman, but she countered that she’s in the process of a divorce. Eric commented that it’s not right for her to live with her husband’s brother. Now that she’s CEO, Steffy should change her behaviour, according to Eric. She could start that by moving out of Liam’s house that night. Steffy tried to argue, but Eric was adamant. Upon arriving at Liam’s house, Steffy prepared a romantic setup. When he saw it, Liam became suspicious and felt that there’s some big news coming up.

Earlier, Ridge asked Liam not to tell anyone about his plans of seducing Quinn. As the two men talked, Quinn arrived and they joked about plotting to poison her. Shortly after, Liam left. Ridge nursed Quinn’s ankle again and they engaged into a flirty banter.

Click here to watch some episode previews from the official YouTube channel of “B&B.” Find out what happens next on “The Bold and the Beautiful,” which airs weekdays on CBS at 1:30PM. It also airs every weekday at 7:30PM on the TEN Channel in Australia.