Scott Clifton Jacqueline MacInnes Wood - 2013 Daytime Emmy Awards by Mingle Media TV CreativeCommons/Mingle Media TV

The Bold and the Beautiful” opens the week with an episode centering on Liam (Scott Clifton). As the celebration of Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and Wyatt’s (Darin Brooks) wedding comes to a close, people begin to focus on where Liam is. Other “The Bold and the Beautiful” cast members who will also appear in the April 4 installment include Quinn (Rena Sofer), Bill (Don Diamont), Katie (Heather Tom) and Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) .

Spoiler Alert! This article contains "The Bold and the Beautiful" spoilers. Read only if you want to know more about it.

TV Guide reports that on Monday’s episode of the “Bold and the Beautiful,” Steffy and Wyatt start a new chapter of their life as husband and wife. Elsewhere, Liam is still confused about his past and grills Quinn for answers.

The show’s official YouTube channel posted a preview video for the March 30 episode. It features multiple scenes with Katie, Bill, Quinn and Brooke.

On the first scene, people at Forrester Creations are talking about the wedding, saying that it means Steffy is finally over Liam.

Katie is focused on another part of the video as she assures Bill about her condition. “I know you’re worried about me,” she tells him. “You don’t have to be. I’ve got everything under control.” She also figures in one scene, as she threatens someone on the phone. “If you really want to support and protect my marriage, you won’t say anything to him,” she says.

The sneak peek also shows Quinn saying that she would have done anything to make this happen for Wyatt. Brooke is seen in the trailer, as she wonders about Liam. “I just think it’s strange that nobody has heard from Liam,” she says. “He’s nowhere to be found.”

"The Bold and the Beautiful" recap

Last week, Steffy and Wyatt’s family and friends gather around the beach to witness their wedding. Eric, Bill, Ridge and Quinn went to the stage to talk about the couple. A moment later, it’s the couple’s turn to exchange their vows. They were then pronounced husband and wife, followed by a kiss. Their loved ones then gathered around the newlyweds to congratulate them.

Click here to watch some episode previews from the official YouTube channel of “B&B.” Find out what happens next on “The Bold and the Beautiful,” which airs in the US from Monday to Friday on CBS.